Let's lead by example, therefore 12 Simple Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint from UNDP (see full ad here):
Turn it off
Turn off lights, televisions, videos, stereos, heaters, cars and computers when not in use - they can use 10 to 40% of the power when on standby. Also, unplug chargers as soon as they have finished charging. -
Be exact
Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need. -
Close it
Don't leave fridge doors open for longer than necessary. -
Check your tires
Properly inflated tires can improve your car’s fuel efficiency. -
Use no plastic
Use cloth bags when going shopping and avoid buying products which use too much plastic. -
Fan up
Instead of using air conditioners in the summer, wear cool clothes, and use a fan. -
Drive less
Do your weekly errands in a single trip or pay your bills online. Walk, bike, ride the bus or carpool. -
Optimize your speed
You will consume up to 25% less fuel if you drive no more than 90 km/hr. -
Drive hybrid
A hybrid or other fuel-efficient car emits less carbon dioxide. -
Replace them
Replace your incandescent bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL). CFLs cost 3 to 5 times as much but use less than a third of the power. Also, replace old fridge and other appliances with energy-efficient ones. -
Watch what you eat
Choose food produced close to your home. -
Consume less, and re-use old products.
Refer this site to a friend: www.12simplethings.org
What else is missing? I'd add:13. Insulate your home, so you need less heating... and snuggle more ;)
14. Plant a Tree!