Let's start off with a positive note... I am happy :) out of several reasons: Summer is here, I am going on holidays soon and my 'new' work-life approach does make sense: Following my heart to explore timeless wisdom and to expand consciousness in my daily life and work. Might sound airy-fairy but it is actually very practical. It not only feels right but also bears fruits regarding work satisfaction and efficiency with very positive feedback from colleagues.
A break-through at work is that the major project I have been designing the last months is being approved and therefore I am going to move to Johannesburg in September 2010 for about two years! It's a big Africa UNDP project aiming at developing a vibrant private sector in multiple African countries. Why is this exciting? It's the first of its kind for UNDP in Africa and 'fresh' compared to traditional aid project as it intends to unleash people's inherent potential, specifically on entrepreneurship, which then leads to job and income generation. More as soon as the project is officially launched.
Already happening this week is the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2010 in New York City. The last Summit which happened 2007 was very interesting, see my article about it's outcomes. This week, more than 1,200 executives from nearly 100 countries are confirmed to attend this historic event. Registration is closed (and was invitation-only to mainly CEOs), however you can follow it live via live on the UN Webcast site or read about it on the Global Compact blog or Crane and Matten blog.
Last not least, I just received confirmation that an article I wrote for the upcoming Thunderbird Business Review special issue on Entrepreneurship and Sustainability got accepted and will be the opening piece. This is great news as it is the first article for me of this kind and motivates me for more. Will link as soon as published...
Good luck and peace!